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If You're Fucking, You're Fucking!

A very helpful resource, wherein Mr Watts will help you to ascertain whether you are, indeed, fucking. Or not.

You may also enjoy his One Take series, where he puts together a song in... well I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.

I Thought Cats Hated Vacuum Cleaners?

Apparently not.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Then there's the issue of the shark suits, but I think one mystery is enough for today.

Thanks Melissa for opening my eyes.

Ode To Sleep Deprived Parents

The Sydney Philharmonia Choirs recently ran a competition for alternative lyrics to Carmina Burana, with the prize being (you guessed it) a live recorded performance of the winning entry. Matthew Hodge penned this little number dedicated to sleep deprived parents, and so here we are.

Sleepover Reenactments A Go-Go

For Wrongtown fans who just can't get enough of Sam, never fear! She has recently chomped the projectile and set up a YouTube channel Be Team Unicorn, and has promised to put out 15 videos this month (part of a wonder-twin-style team effort with Luke And His Beard).

Baby Twins Dance

So, it's been a little while since gratuitous cute stuff was posted. This ought to keep the quota up for quite a while. The look they give each other when they realize it's music time is priceless.