Links From November 2011

Bicycle Animation Science. Geeky. Cute. Video.

This is kinda cool, created to question whether it was possible to film animation in realtime. The soundtrack is made up of the bike noises which were recorded during filming, so bonus points there as far as I'm concerned.


Octopus Gives Tourists Crabs Science. Cute. Wrong. Time-thief. Video. I found this at Boing Boing.

I think this is just kinda cool but apparently cephalopods lurching around on land makes some people uncomfortable. Your call I guess. I can't say I understand why he comes all that way out of the water just to deposit a corpse, but I still think it's cool that he does.


"People Don't Want To Be Sword" Funny. Geeky. Cute. Wrong. Video.

The expression on her face the moment the consequences of her actions start to hit is absolutely priceless. I don't think I can watch this clip without feeling some sweet sweet schadenfreude... It's worth putting up with the loud yelling at the start, trust me.

Maximum thanks to Sam for pointing this one out to me.


Cup Of Brown Joy - Professor Elemental Funny. Cute. Wrong. Time-thief. Video.

I thought I'd linked to Professor Elemental's track Fighting Trousers way back in the day, but apparently not. Here we have the good Professor waxying lyrical about his love for a cup of tea.


The Kitten Covers Funny. Geeky. Cute. Old-school.

Honestly I was skeptical about the quality I'd find at, but I was pleasantly surprised. They re-create legendary album covers, only with kittens. They do a damn fine job of those I recognise.

Thanks to Sam for providing the link to this.


Legend Of Zelda - Main Theme Medley Geeky. Old-school. Time-thief. Video.

I'm not going to lie, this fills me with nostalgia. What an awesome job they've done here! This was for the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD.


The Earth As Seen From The ISS Science. Time-thief. Video.

Well this is just plain cool, especially all of the Aurora Borealis and lightning storm footage. There is a list available here of the locations shown. Be aware though that you'll probably be sitting watching this one for the full 5 minutes.

Thanks to Stu for this one.


Vampire-themed Fleshlight Funny. Geeky. Wrong. Wrong.

Well, I suppose it's a safer bet than sticking your junk in the mouth of some LARPing Vampire Princess wannabe, you never can tell when they're going to decide to add a little extra "realism"... Still, this vampire-themed fleshlight hit me solidly in the "Is there really enough of a market for this to be justified?" spot.

Then I remembered True Blood and felt like an idiot for even questioning it. Then I realize that this has been out for at least a few years and I start to appreciate their vision.

Thanks to Jemma for this one... I think.


Cute Advertisement For The Shelter Pet Project Funny. Cute. Wrong. Video.

While there are a few of these, this was the first I saw and it's probably still my favourite, because it has that little hint of wrong to it. "Poop already! You're making me nervous!"


Recycled Art By Tom Samui Geeky. I found this at Boing Boing.

I know I've seen these before but I can't remember if I have linked to them. Tom Samui makes these custom sculptures from recycled auto parts, and he is usually able to crafts something from an idea, photo etc from 1m to 8m in size.

They're kinda cool.


Ragtime Pianist Sight-Reading Athlete's Rag Geeky. Cute. Time-thief. Video.

Yes I know this video is so 2008, but I kinda get a kick out of it. Apparently he'd never heard the song before and is just jamming it out as he reads it. Maybe it's just the Pavlovian Conditioning of so many hours sitting happily in front of a Nintendo...


Du Hast - Ukranian Miner Style Funny. Cute. Wrong. Time-thief. Video.

I feel reasonably safe when I say I don't think Rammstein ever planned for Du Hast to be played on a piano accordian in a folk-rock style. The group shown here apparently call themselves Subito, and all members are Ukranian miners. Those aren't costumes, but their own gear they've got on.


Stop A Mate From Driving Drunk? Legend Funny.

I love it when an advertisement about a Serious Problem manages to be entertaining without muddying the message. Here we have a fine example from our friends across the water in New Zealand of exactly that.


House In The Hill Geeky.

I'm not saying I'd definitely want to move on in, but there's certainly something intriguing about this place in Switzerland. Built into the side of a hill, all of the rooms seem to share the same view. I'm trying to decide if it would be a good option during a zombie apocalypse (if you boarded up all those glass doors of course).


Against The Grain - Stop Motion Animation Cute. Time-thief. Video.

Hudson - Against The Grain from Dropbear on Vimeo.

I have a soft spot for stop motion animation, and this offering by Melbourne animator Dropbear is pretty cute. If you want to see some behind the scenes material it's available here.


Would You Let These Droids Down? Geeky. Cute. Old-school. Video.

I can't believe I've never seen this before! Such a wonderful naïveté to it... Of course we all know that R2-D2 would be a cigar smoker if anything, big fat Churchill-types, and he'd just blow smoke right in the face of any Stormtrooper who accosted him. Like a boss.


Kids, I Ate All The Candy Funny. Cute. Wrong. Time-thief. Video.

Jimmy Kimmel challenged the parents of America to tell their kids that they'd eaten all of the candy that their children had so diligently collected the night before. I just love that last kid, he takes it like a champ and starts telling his prankster mother off.


Damn You Batman Funny. Geeky. Wrong. Time-thief. Video.

Batman gets a bollocking from Commissioner Gordon over his methods. Some ground rules are laid down. Like three knives, tops... and not bat shaped knives!


DANGER 5! Funny. Wrong. Old-school. Time-thief. Video.

The geniuses of action and danger who brought us Italian Spiderman are now set to tell us an even more compelling series: DANGER 5! It'll be on Australian TV on the 21st of November, but you can slake your thirst for action over at their Official Website where you can read through a virtual copy of Danger Monthly!


Dye Our Bassist For A Good Cause Funny. Wrong. Selling Out Like A Rug Store.

Our bassist Troy (who is the big geek posting all of this stuff) is participating in Movember, a fundraising event which seeks to raise awareness (and funds) for men's health. Specifically prostate cancer and depression in men.

Troy is really rubbish at growing facial hair and bad at following instructions, so of course he's put his own spin on things. For the last few years he's been fundraising by growing a "mo" on the back of his head (you can see larger pictures of his current "mo" and previous efforts on his Movember profile).

Not content to leave it at that, there's a competition. Details are available on the aforementioned profile but the gist of it is if you donate more than $10 you might win The Raffle. If you win The Raffle you get to tell Troy to dye his "Skullmo" whatever colour you like for the last week of November.

The winner will be announced on his profile (no I'm not linking it again) and pictures will be made available there. Please donate, and specify your preferred colour choice in the comment field of your donation!


Blood On The Game Dice Funny. Geeky. Wrong. Time-thief. Video.

Full disclaimer: this was directed by an old friend of mine. Regardless of that I'm pretty sure we have plenty of geeky visitors who'll enjoy or be able to empathise with this. Some of you might remember me posting about Troll Bridge by Snowgum Films, well this is the same company.