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Prison Is Full Of People That Has Never Roller Skated

I think my favourite is the kid who says no to meth, mostly because he doesn't look particularly convinced. If only I lived in Reno I'd be sure to check out the "Employment Oppurtunities" this fine establishment offers. Thanks Luke, there was a very real risk that I might die having never seen this.

Instagram and Nickelback: Together At Last?

I have just enough familiarity with Instagram that this strikes me as white-hot Truth, burning brightly.

Thanks to KiljoyAU for the link.

Cute/Morbid Metro Trains Safety Video

Well played, Metro Trains. Well played indeed. I really do like this a lot, and hey if the message sinks in all the better.

Thanks to Kyla for bringing this to my attention.

DIY MySpam

This is pretty cool, in my humble opinion, but then again I'm a sucker for anything with either Mario or Link references and he has both so I'm bought and paid for.

Did I mention lately we have a Demo available for digital download?

Thanks, Textbooks

I has been a while since I had significant investment in textbooks for my learning, so I'd almost managed to forget how bizarre and inane they can be. Luckily, there's a tumblr to remind me.

Thanks, Textbooks. Thextbooks.

Also thanks to matlane74 for bringing this to my attention. Thmat.