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Too Many Cooks

Hit full screen and give it time; see if you can spot all the appearances before things start getting properly weird.

Jeff Goldblum Could Sell Me Anything

Yes it's an advertisement, but damn it tickles me in all the right ways. Jeff, Tim & Eric should combine forces more often.

Ballad Of A Wifi Hero Spoken by H. Jon Benjamin

Surely this experience is one that is common to people of all creeds, binding humanity together. There's a Bob's Burgers cameo appearance early on too, which is nice.

Hurr Hurr He Said Bitch

Surely I'm not the only one who would like to see more of this? Great to see Mr Cranston & Mr Paul back together again, this was great fun.

This Is Your Squid On Cypress Hill

I don't need to understand how they arrived at the decision, I'm just glad that they decided to do this.