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Hangover Horror

I really am a sucker for these trailers that re-imagine a film as a different genre.

Thanks to @KiljoyAU for this.

Puppy Bowl IX

There is a very real risk that people you know could go their entire lives without seeing the Puppy Bowl. I was very nearly one of those people.

If you only show your friends one sports-related animal video today, make it this one. Thanks to Mike for making sure I didn't miss out.

Reckless Driving

An important message for all of us, surely.

Thanks to Blake for this one.

Sandbox Archeaology

This is pretty awesome, just saying. Unless of course his kids feel betrayed by the elaborate lie when they discover it's not real, and it gives them trust issues. That would suck. For the record, I'd never be able to wait for the kids to discover it, I'd be hovering around within 5 minutes urging them to dig deeper.

Original here, thanks to Blake for pointing it out to me.

Cage Before He Was Cage

I usually try to avoid linking to sites like Buzzfeed as surely a bunch of you will have seen whatever it is before I got to it. However I cannot in good conscience take the risk that I could might anyone of this.

I think my favourite part is where they direct you to the whole thing available on youtube.

Thanks to Blake for bringing this to my attention.