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The Whole Enchilada

I've been meaning to post this for such a long time now. I guess the silver lining behind putting it off is that I keep stumbling across the open tab and re-playing it. Thanks to Callum for introducing me.

Funky Forest - The Whole Damn Thing

Surely this will be taken down eventually? However, for now here it is... The full Funky Forest experience...

Prepare yourselves.

Game of Thrones Remixed As A Highschool Sitcom

Where 'Our way is the old way' just indicates a preference for "retro".
Where Theon Greyjoy is head of the swim team.
Where Joffrey is the principal's son.
Where House Baratheon is in conflict over who will throw the best party...

By the time the real thing is back on the air, I'm going to be very confused...

The Reward - A Series?

I believe the phrase 'Holy Fuck Yes I Want That To Be A Thing' is appropriate here. For those of you who didn't see The Reward when I posted it late last year, you can (and should) check it out here.

Immediately after this you should get over to The Reward - Tales of Alethrion on Kickstarter and consider helping them fund an episode in the hope they can turn it into a full series.

A Very Wrongtown Christmas

There's no way I'm waiting for December to roll around again, only to forget to post this. Enough is enough. Definitely not for kiddies.