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Tag filter: cute [x]

Home Depot Proposal

Well, this is just fucking adorable.

It's not the first proposal video I've linked to here, but it's definitely a touching example of how it can go well.

Now if you'll excuse me apparently someone has been cutting onions or something and I need to find out who is responsible.

Breaking Bad Superlab Playset

Of course it's not official LEGO merch or anything like that, but Citizen Brick have done a great job of capturing the underground lab introduced in Season 3 of Breaking Bad. have a short interview with the creators of the set here.

The Seussing Dead

If you've been under a rock and need to catch up on the most recent season of The Walking Dead, this does a surprisingly good job of covering the main plot points.

Of course you'd be far better to actually watch the show, this just tickles me enough to share it.

What Is Your Quest?

It's not impossible that there is a universe where these excellent Monty Python LEGO sets created by flickr user Rifiröfi are actually available for sale.

Unfortunately for those of us here on Earth Prime we'll have to make do with the images he so kindly provided.

"Trust Me, I'm In A Lab Coat"

This is adorable. That is all.

Thanks to @whineytwat for this one.

Tag filter: cute [x]