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If Axe Cop Were A Web Series

Of course, this has made me realize that I may not have ever actually linked Axe Cop here before. I will remedy this shortly.

Prison Is Full Of People That Has Never Roller Skated

I think my favourite is the kid who says no to meth, mostly because he doesn't look particularly convinced. If only I lived in Reno I'd be sure to check out the "Employment Oppurtunities" this fine establishment offers. Thanks Luke, there was a very real risk that I might die having never seen this.

Mr. B Gentleman Rhymer Provides Us With An Education

Made freely available in order to promote The Tweed Album, Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer advises us on issues of import, from the cut of his jib to giving three-piece a chance.

Cute/Morbid Metro Trains Safety Video

Well played, Metro Trains. Well played indeed. I really do like this a lot, and hey if the message sinks in all the better.

Thanks to Kyla for bringing this to my attention.

Ben Goldacre Discusses Some Of The Weirder Examples Of Placebo Effect

An older clip of Ben Goldacre at Nerdstock 9. Honestly, who wouldn't enjoy being "Skull-fucked with his datacock" while he's being so enthusiastic about it?

Thanks to Ashby for suggesting this. Thashby.