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Alison Brie Vs Memes

I've been lazy on this one but I'm pretty sure there's some kind of law that states I have to post this. I mean it's Alison Brie, and she's doing her best impressions of Grumpy Cat and Ermahgerd, to keep it quiet would be some sort of human rights abuse right?

As the video will prompt you, there's a whole 22 minute interview if you'd like to hear her talk Dungeons & Dragons, watching her own work, and Nathan Fillion. Alternatively you can skip straight to her attempts to create unsexy .gifs.

Holy Shit WesterosCraft

Westeros re-created in Minecraft eh? Well we'll see about that, it can't be that amazi-HOLY SHIT IT'S BEAUTIFUL! Why can't I stop crying? Well played indeed.

Thanks to @KiljoyAU for this one.

Tambourine Hero

There is no purer expression of passion. Enough said.

Sandbox Archeaology

This is pretty awesome, just saying. Unless of course his kids feel betrayed by the elaborate lie when they discover it's not real, and it gives them trust issues. That would suck. For the record, I'd never be able to wait for the kids to discover it, I'd be hovering around within 5 minutes urging them to dig deeper.

Original here, thanks to Blake for pointing it out to me.

Game of Thrones Remixed As A Highschool Sitcom

Where 'Our way is the old way' just indicates a preference for "retro".
Where Theon Greyjoy is head of the swim team.
Where Joffrey is the principal's son.
Where House Baratheon is in conflict over who will throw the best party...

By the time the real thing is back on the air, I'm going to be very confused...