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So this totally radical movie is fully funded on Kickstarter but you've still got time to back it if you think it's way cool.

Jazz Fever Is Not A Thing

Ah how I yearn sometimes for the simple pleasures of yesteryear, when medical advice could really brighten your day.

Thanks to Mr Fish for keeping Wrongtown classy.

Orgasm Wars?

While I'm sure that this is a niche show rather than a representation of mainstream media, it blows my mind (hurr hurr!) that this made it to production. The suspense! The drama! The trash-talk!

Thanks Leo. Thleo.

Poko x Tate - Orgasm wars: AV actor Sawai VS... by jimakutv

Gymkhana Six

By no means am I a 'car guy', so I may be mistaken, but this seems pretty fucking impressive.

Who Needs Masterchef?

I can never understand why Europeans don't seem to recognise that we're a right bunch of fancy fuckers down here in Australia. Take a gander at this fella for example...