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Your Lucky Day

Settle in for an intense 15 minutes or so, things get nasty pretty quickly in this awesome short by Daniel Brown. I heartily recommend full screen.

Your Lucky Day from Daniel Brown on Vimeo.

This Is Your Squid On Cypress Hill

I don't need to understand how they arrived at the decision, I'm just glad that they decided to do this.

Moves Without The Music

Just when you think the Dancing In The Street music video was weird enough to watch, someone goes ahead and improves it.

Thanks Internet. Thinternet.

AFM Blocking Game Music

I agree that this seems like something that musicians and gamers should take an interest in. Thanks go to Brendan for this one.


There was a moment (just a moment mind you) when I thought I might actually be able to buy these somewhere.

Thanks to Leo from The Cult Of Addiction for this one.