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Kid Faced With Dinosaur Abandons Family To Their Fate

This is brilliant and adorable and I can think of a couple of kids I know that would probably have done exactly the same thing. Feel no shame Zac, move on and find a new family who haven't been consumed by our dinosaur overlords, it's what mummy and daddy would have wanted.

An Abridged History Of Western Music in 16 Genres

Around this time last year I posted a video by collectivecadenza covering non-verbal lyrics, here's another of theirs showing an (extremely) abridged history of Western Music.

Gangnam Busters!

Yes, I know, everything is over-saturated with Gangnam Style right now. I'm afraid I simply must insist that you humour me, this hits too many buttons for me to ignore it. Give it a chance... just the tip, just to see how it feels.

Many thanks to Eric for this one.

Grad School Scam

Of course, I would find this funny, given that I have no university degree of my own. People who live in small, mud-caked hovels in the shadow of the crystalline spires of our great institutes of learning might as well throw stones.

Posted under: jest, funny, scam

R Kelly & Sexual Repression: Together At Last

What happens when you take a video made by Jehovah's Witnesses telling the deaf not to masturbate, and marry it with R Kelly's "Ignition Remix"? Fucking beautiful magical things, that's what. There are moments where it is almost too perfect.

Many thanks to @matlane74 for the suggestion.