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Prison Is Full Of People That Has Never Roller Skated

I think my favourite is the kid who says no to meth, mostly because he doesn't look particularly convinced. If only I lived in Reno I'd be sure to check out the "Employment Oppurtunities" this fine establishment offers. Thanks Luke, there was a very real risk that I might die having never seen this.

I Saw Mommy Kissing Yog-Sothoth

It seems that Lovecraft fans are well represented this Holiday Season! As are those whose interests also include musical theatre.

Post-Modern Fiction - The Cult Of Addiction

Here we've got a video of The Cult Of Addiction rehearsing their song "Post-Modern Fiction". Astute Wrongtown fans will note that Wrongtown and The Cult share a drummer, and we have a couple of gigs lined up early in 2013 where you can see both bands.

Mr. B Gentleman Rhymer Provides Us With An Education

Made freely available in order to promote The Tweed Album, Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer advises us on issues of import, from the cut of his jib to giving three-piece a chance.

Instagram and Nickelback: Together At Last?

I have just enough familiarity with Instagram that this strikes me as white-hot Truth, burning brightly.

Thanks to KiljoyAU for the link.