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Jazz Fever Is Not A Thing

Ah how I yearn sometimes for the simple pleasures of yesteryear, when medical advice could really brighten your day.

Thanks to Mr Fish for keeping Wrongtown classy.

Gymkhana Six

By no means am I a 'car guy', so I may be mistaken, but this seems pretty fucking impressive.

Breaking Bad: Rock Candy Style

This made my morning. DAT CHICKEN SONG.

Surprisingly enough, this video is full of spoilers for Breaking Bad, so if you've not seen it and have somehow managed to remain spoiler-free this might not be for you.

Many thanks to Sam for this. THSAM!

Bohemian Gravity

I'm not sure if this is brilliant or terrible... but that's mostly due to my own ignorance. I'm pretty sure it's brilliant.

If you're so inclined, you can buy this track on iTunes here and check out his Thesis here.

"Trust Me, I'm In A Lab Coat"

This is adorable. That is all.

Thanks to @whineytwat for this one.

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