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Same Love

I don't think anything more really needs to be said here.

Axe Cop

If you haven't seen Axe Cop then I'm afraid you've been missing out on some wonderfully random entertainment.

First created when a 29 year old comic book artist named Ethan decided to humour his 5 year old brother Malachai (their father is credited on the website as having "healthy loins") by joining him as he ran around playing "Axe Cop". Pretty soon Ethan decided that he had to immortalise the creative storytelling spewing forth from Malachai and so created the first strip. The rest is history.

You can see a clip of the creative process here.

If Axe Cop Were A Web Series

Of course, this has made me realize that I may not have ever actually linked Axe Cop here before. I will remedy this shortly.

I Don't Even Care If This Was Staged

The sheer joy of this moment is wonderful, it reminds me of simpler, inebriated times.

Jim Carrey: Walrus?

Do you think of "I Am The Walrus" whenever Jim Carrey is mentioned? No? Well maybe now you will.