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Wrongtown This Sunday At The Swan Basement

First of all, thanks to everyone who came along to the Swan Lounge on Sunday to see us play, it was great to have you there, both old friends and new.

We are playing at the Swan Basement (same address, but downstairs) this Sunday the 19th of June for Gignition. We're extra excited to hear that a reviewer for DRUM Media will be there so we'll be even more determined to make it a good show for you fine people. Tell your friends!

Even better, bring your friends!

Doors open 6:00pm (first act at 6:10) and close at 10pm. $5 entry.
Playing times (approximate):
5:30 - 6:05pm Slacker
6:25 - 7:00pm Misty Mountain
7:20 - 7:55pm Jincs
8:15 - 8:50pm Wrongtown

Remember to RSVP here if you're one of those cool Facebook people.