Demo CD

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Sunday 28th August @ The Swan Lounge

We're back at the Swan Lounge for My Dear Friend once again on Sunday the 28th of August. It's Birthday-Eve for Callum so you should come and support him for being a champ and not getting his drink on, all so he can seduce you with his silver tongue*.

Doors open 6:00pm and close at 10pm with a $5 entry charge covering the whole night. We would like you even more if we do now if you RSVP to the Facebook event. True story. Approximate set times are as follows:

6:10 - 6:45 - The Suspects
7:10 - 7:50 - Wrongtown
8:10 - 8:50 - Misty Mountain
9:10 - 9:50 - Moontribe

* Tongue not actually silver. That'd be weird.