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Your Lucky Day

Settle in for an intense 15 minutes or so, things get nasty pretty quickly in this awesome short by Daniel Brown. I heartily recommend full screen.

Your Lucky Day from Daniel Brown on Vimeo.

Home Depot Proposal

Well, this is just fucking adorable.

It's not the first proposal video I've linked to here, but it's definitely a touching example of how it can go well.

Now if you'll excuse me apparently someone has been cutting onions or something and I need to find out who is responsible.

Brian Williams Busts A Move

Okay I'll admit, this sort of thing probably shouldn't make me as happy as it does.

HIMYM Gets In On The Gag

Admittedly I would have preferred a gradual decline in their health, eventually resulting in their death and decay... the house around them falling into a shambles... losing the back wall to show a post-apocalyptic landscape... all the while Ted droning on and on...

Failing that, this is a close second.

Thanks to Mr Fish for this one.

It's A Doctor Horrible Reunion!

Well I'm a sucker for NPH and Nathan Fillion, so this episode of Neil's Puppet Dreams was pretty much guaranteed to be a winner, even before NPH's Trouser-Weasel made an appearance.

If you enjoyed that you may wish to check out the BONUS and TOTALLY LEGIT behind the scenes footage below.

Tag filter: you,you [x]