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The Loophole Official Music Video

I've posted this song previously but I just enjoy it so much, and as I've just come across the Official Music Video here it is again.

Mr. B Gentleman Rhymer Provides Us With An Education

Made freely available in order to promote The Tweed Album, Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer advises us on issues of import, from the cut of his jib to giving three-piece a chance.

Cute/Morbid Metro Trains Safety Video

Well played, Metro Trains. Well played indeed. I really do like this a lot, and hey if the message sinks in all the better.

Thanks to Kyla for bringing this to my attention.

Ermahgerd Ah Serng

I am pretty sure I know a few people who will be very happy indeed to know this exists. What more could you want from a Gersberms song? You want R.L. Stine appearing to deny responsibility? Yup. The Swedish Chef bustin' some rhymes? Yeah we got that too. Björk wearing a swan dress? Okay so it's an impersonator, but close enough.

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