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The Very Hungry Cthulhupillar

I'm not sure when I'll get tired of people re-skinning The Very Hungry Caterpillar, but I do know it's not going to be today. Enjoy!

Hurr Hurr He Said Bitch

Surely I'm not the only one who would like to see more of this? Great to see Mr Cranston & Mr Paul back together again, this was great fun.

What Is Your Quest?

It's not impossible that there is a universe where these excellent Monty Python LEGO sets created by flickr user Rifiröfi are actually available for sale.

Unfortunately for those of us here on Earth Prime we'll have to make do with the images he so kindly provided.

Damn It Feels Good

I'm just going to leave this here.

Posted under: funny. cheer, up

Puppy Bowl IX

There is a very real risk that people you know could go their entire lives without seeing the Puppy Bowl. I was very nearly one of those people.

If you only show your friends one sports-related animal video today, make it this one. Thanks to Mike for making sure I didn't miss out.

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