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Unedited Footage of a Bear

It must be kind of scary, being so close to that bear. You'd try to control your breathing. Try to control everything. But you can't. You can't stop yourself.

Too Many Cooks

Hit full screen and give it time; see if you can spot all the appearances before things start getting properly weird.

Hurr Hurr He Said Bitch

Surely I'm not the only one who would like to see more of this? Great to see Mr Cranston & Mr Paul back together again, this was great fun.

Guns As Sex Toys

That's the message here right? This is about people using guns for sex which frees up their dildos for use in creative play yeah? How fascinating...

Thanks Stuart!

This Is Your Squid On Cypress Hill

I don't need to understand how they arrived at the decision, I'm just glad that they decided to do this.

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