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Tag filter: the,the [x]

A Reasonable Request

That's the spirit lads.

A Reasonable Request from Andrew Laurich on Vimeo.

Ron Jeremy Wrecking Ball Magic

Well. That's something you don't see every day.

Thanks to Stuart for this little ball of... whatever it is.

The Loophole Official Music Video

I've posted this song previously but I just enjoy it so much, and as I've just come across the Official Music Video here it is again.

Bohemian Gravity

I'm not sure if this is brilliant or terrible... but that's mostly due to my own ignorance. I'm pretty sure it's brilliant.

If you're so inclined, you can buy this track on iTunes here and check out his Thesis here.

HIMYM Gets In On The Gag

Admittedly I would have preferred a gradual decline in their health, eventually resulting in their death and decay... the house around them falling into a shambles... losing the back wall to show a post-apocalyptic landscape... all the while Ted droning on and on...

Failing that, this is a close second.

Thanks to Mr Fish for this one.

Tag filter: the,the [x]