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Game of Thrones Remixed As A Highschool Sitcom

Where 'Our way is the old way' just indicates a preference for "retro".
Where Theon Greyjoy is head of the swim team.
Where Joffrey is the principal's son.
Where House Baratheon is in conflict over who will throw the best party...

By the time the real thing is back on the air, I'm going to be very confused...

Ermahgerd Ah Serng

I am pretty sure I know a few people who will be very happy indeed to know this exists. What more could you want from a Gersberms song? You want R.L. Stine appearing to deny responsibility? Yup. The Swedish Chef bustin' some rhymes? Yeah we got that too. Björk wearing a swan dress? Okay so it's an impersonator, but close enough.

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