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Moves Without The Music

Just when you think the Dancing In The Street music video was weird enough to watch, someone goes ahead and improves it.

Thanks Internet. Thinternet.

The Loophole Official Music Video

I've posted this song previously but I just enjoy it so much, and as I've just come across the Official Music Video here it is again.

Holy Shit WesterosCraft

Westeros re-created in Minecraft eh? Well we'll see about that, it can't be that amazi-HOLY SHIT IT'S BEAUTIFUL! Why can't I stop crying? Well played indeed.

Thanks to @KiljoyAU for this one.

A Game Of Thrones Series 3

Just a little longer... just a little longer...

Parody KIA Advertisement


Sure, I feel kind of sorry for the marketing people who put the original together if this goes viral, because I imagine they might cop a bit of flak. However they were responsible for ripping off Carlin in the first place so I guess they had it coming.

Thanks to @WhineyTwat for putting this on my radar.

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