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HAM music video

This music video is an excerpt from Rubberhead, which I think we can safely agree should be required watching for all children.

HAM from Eric Wareheim on Vimeo.

The Loophole Official Music Video

I've posted this song previously but I just enjoy it so much, and as I've just come across the Official Music Video here it is again.

Mr. B Gentleman Rhymer Provides Us With An Education

Made freely available in order to promote The Tweed Album, Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer advises us on issues of import, from the cut of his jib to giving three-piece a chance.

Thrift Shop

There is something about this that just makes me so fucking happy. It might even make you happy too.

DIY MySpam

This is pretty cool, in my humble opinion, but then again I'm a sucker for anything with either Mario or Link references and he has both so I'm bought and paid for.

Did I mention lately we have a Demo available for digital download?

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