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The Loophole Official Music Video

I've posted this song previously but I just enjoy it so much, and as I've just come across the Official Music Video here it is again.

Holy Shit WesterosCraft

Westeros re-created in Minecraft eh? Well we'll see about that, it can't be that amazi-HOLY SHIT IT'S BEAUTIFUL! Why can't I stop crying? Well played indeed.

Thanks to @KiljoyAU for this one.

A Game Of Thrones Series 3

Just a little longer... just a little longer...

Parody KIA Advertisement


Sure, I feel kind of sorry for the marketing people who put the original together if this goes viral, because I imagine they might cop a bit of flak. However they were responsible for ripping off Carlin in the first place so I guess they had it coming.

Thanks to @WhineyTwat for putting this on my radar.

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