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Tag filter: funny,you [x]

Brian Williams Busts A Move

Okay I'll admit, this sort of thing probably shouldn't make me as happy as it does.

HIMYM Gets In On The Gag

Admittedly I would have preferred a gradual decline in their health, eventually resulting in their death and decay... the house around them falling into a shambles... losing the back wall to show a post-apocalyptic landscape... all the while Ted droning on and on...

Failing that, this is a close second.

Thanks to Mr Fish for this one.

It's A Doctor Horrible Reunion!

Well I'm a sucker for NPH and Nathan Fillion, so this episode of Neil's Puppet Dreams was pretty much guaranteed to be a winner, even before NPH's Trouser-Weasel made an appearance.

If you enjoyed that you may wish to check out the BONUS and TOTALLY LEGIT behind the scenes footage below.

Tag filter: funny,you [x]