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Tag filter: funny,wrong,wrong [x]

Stay In School Kids

Bwahahahahahaha! Oh that's fucking beautiful.

Thanks to Iskander for this one!

Bringing The Boom To Some Classics

I don't pretend to understand what all this is about. I do suspect however that though this might just be bizarre fun to me, I've likely stumbled upon someone's idea of ultimate eroticism.

There's more over at, should you feel the need to see more along these lines. It's kind of hypnotic, really... kind of... beautiful...

Scientifically Accurate

Thanks to the good folks over at Animation Domination High Def you no longer have to cherish your childhood memories! Thanks ADHD!

Thanks also to @stripperdriver for helping me bring this to you.

There Is Something Wrong With Teddy

Shhhh Teddy... shhh... it will all be better soon. Yes. All better now Teddy. All better.

Thanks @Be_Team_Unicorn.

A Very Wrongtown Christmas

There's no way I'm waiting for December to roll around again, only to forget to post this. Enough is enough. Definitely not for kiddies.

Tag filter: funny,wrong,wrong [x]