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Tag filter: funny,it [x]

Unedited Footage of a Bear

It must be kind of scary, being so close to that bear. You'd try to control your breathing. Try to control everything. But you can't. You can't stop yourself.

Too Many Cooks

Hit full screen and give it time; see if you can spot all the appearances before things start getting properly weird.

Stay In School Kids

Bwahahahahahaha! Oh that's fucking beautiful.

Thanks to Iskander for this one!


So this totally radical movie is fully funded on Kickstarter but you've still got time to back it if you think it's way cool.

Jazz Fever Is Not A Thing

Ah how I yearn sometimes for the simple pleasures of yesteryear, when medical advice could really brighten your day.

Thanks to Mr Fish for keeping Wrongtown classy.

Tag filter: funny,it [x]