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Tag filter: funny,funny,cute [x]

What Is Your Quest?

It's not impossible that there is a universe where these excellent Monty Python LEGO sets created by flickr user Rifiröfi are actually available for sale.

Unfortunately for those of us here on Earth Prime we'll have to make do with the images he so kindly provided.

Call Me Baby Backstage at Late Night With Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon, The Roots, "Classroom" instruments... what's not to like?


Thrift Shop

There is something about this that just makes me so fucking happy. It might even make you happy too.

Cute/Morbid Metro Trains Safety Video

Well played, Metro Trains. Well played indeed. I really do like this a lot, and hey if the message sinks in all the better.

Thanks to Kyla for bringing this to my attention.

Dragon Baby

Dragon Baby kicks some draconic arse in this short by Patrick Bolvin. I do so love that finishing move.

Tag filter: funny,funny,cute [x]