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Tag filter: funny,funny,book [x]

The Very Hungry Cthulhupillar

I'm not sure when I'll get tired of people re-skinning The Very Hungry Caterpillar, but I do know it's not going to be today. Enjoy!

Facebook Law For Idiots

OMG I hope 10 of you watch this in the next hour, I mean he seemed pretty serious so it's probably legit, right?

Thanks Gem. Thgem.

Posted under: funny, facebook, law

Thanks, Textbooks

I has been a while since I had significant investment in textbooks for my learning, so I'd almost managed to forget how bizarre and inane they can be. Luckily, there's a tumblr to remind me.

Thanks, Textbooks. Thextbooks.

Also thanks to matlane74 for bringing this to my attention. Thmat.

Tag filter: funny,funny,book [x]