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Tag filter: dinosaur,dinosaur,dinosaur [x]


So this totally radical movie is fully funded on Kickstarter but you've still got time to back it if you think it's way cool.

Sandbox Archeaology

This is pretty awesome, just saying. Unless of course his kids feel betrayed by the elaborate lie when they discover it's not real, and it gives them trust issues. That would suck. For the record, I'd never be able to wait for the kids to discover it, I'd be hovering around within 5 minutes urging them to dig deeper.

Original here, thanks to Blake for pointing it out to me.

Kid Faced With Dinosaur Abandons Family To Their Fate

This is brilliant and adorable and I can think of a couple of kids I know that would probably have done exactly the same thing. Feel no shame Zac, move on and find a new family who haven't been consumed by our dinosaur overlords, it's what mummy and daddy would have wanted.

Tag filter: dinosaur,dinosaur,dinosaur [x]