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Tag filter: dance,dance [x]

Home Depot Proposal

Well, this is just fucking adorable.

It's not the first proposal video I've linked to here, but it's definitely a touching example of how it can go well.

Now if you'll excuse me apparently someone has been cutting onions or something and I need to find out who is responsible.

That Colbchella Clip

Apparently Daft Punk were contractually unable to perform on the Stephen Colbert show. This has led to something so much better.

Usually I'd like to provide the video for you to watch right here, but Viacom are being pretty aggressive in keeping it off YouTube etc.

Baby Twins Dance

So, it's been a little while since gratuitous cute stuff was posted. This ought to keep the quota up for quite a while. The look they give each other when they realize it's music time is priceless.

Dance Like You Don't Know The Words

Or is it "Dance like you've got no clothes on, and everyone is watching."? Something like that anyway.


Another from the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, we see Catnip given the Reefer Madness treatment. Wonderful stuff.

Tag filter: dance,dance [x]