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Tag filter: book,book,book [x]

The Very Hungry Cthulhupillar

I'm not sure when I'll get tired of people re-skinning The Very Hungry Caterpillar, but I do know it's not going to be today. Enjoy!

Litographs Look Awesome

Maybe they're not for everybody, but I love the idea of Litographs.

A Litograph is a poster where the text of a book (eg: Alice in Wonderland, The Invisible Man, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) makes up an image related to the story. Typography-based art certainly isn't new, but in this case the entire text of the book is used, which I've not seen before.

Posted under: books, litograph

Facebook Law For Idiots

OMG I hope 10 of you watch this in the next hour, I mean he seemed pretty serious so it's probably legit, right?

Thanks Gem. Thgem.

Posted under: funny, facebook, law

Thanks, Textbooks

I has been a while since I had significant investment in textbooks for my learning, so I'd almost managed to forget how bizarre and inane they can be. Luckily, there's a tumblr to remind me.

Thanks, Textbooks. Thextbooks.

Also thanks to matlane74 for bringing this to my attention. Thmat.

Good Books "Metamorphosis"

Good Books "Metamorphosis" from Antfood on Vimeo.

Man, this could have gone so badly but I think they've done a fantastic job. Certainly doesn't make me less inclined to use Good Books in the future.

Tag filter: book,book,book [x]