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Tag filter: funny,funny [x]

Hurr Hurr He Said Bitch

Surely I'm not the only one who would like to see more of this? Great to see Mr Cranston & Mr Paul back together again, this was great fun.

Sing Along With Weird Al & Pals

This makes me so very tacky! Wait... no the other one. Happy!

Guns As Sex Toys

That's the message here right? This is about people using guns for sex which frees up their dildos for use in creative play yeah? How fascinating...

Thanks Stuart!

Moves Without The Music

Just when you think the Dancing In The Street music video was weird enough to watch, someone goes ahead and improves it.

Thanks Internet. Thinternet.


There was a moment (just a moment mind you) when I thought I might actually be able to buy these somewhere.

Thanks to Leo from The Cult Of Addiction for this one.

Tag filter: funny,funny [x]