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Tag filter: funny,al [x]

The Loophole Official Music Video

I've posted this song previously but I just enjoy it so much, and as I've just come across the Official Music Video here it is again.

Shaken Manchild Syndrome: ONN

Cases Of Shaken Manchild Syndrome On The Rise

An important message to get out there, together we can raise awareness to make a difference.

Scientifically Accurate

Thanks to the good folks over at Animation Domination High Def you no longer have to cherish your childhood memories! Thanks ADHD!

Thanks also to @stripperdriver for helping me bring this to you.

Australia, Y U No Change?

More from Sam at BeTeamUnicorn, with a little commentary on the current lack of legal same-sex marriage in Australia.

Alison Brie Vs Memes

I've been lazy on this one but I'm pretty sure there's some kind of law that states I have to post this. I mean it's Alison Brie, and she's doing her best impressions of Grumpy Cat and Ermahgerd, to keep it quiet would be some sort of human rights abuse right?

As the video will prompt you, there's a whole 22 minute interview if you'd like to hear her talk Dungeons & Dragons, watching her own work, and Nathan Fillion. Alternatively you can skip straight to her attempts to create unsexy .gifs.

Tag filter: funny,al [x]