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Tag filter: funny,wrong [x]

Thanks, Textbooks

I has been a while since I had significant investment in textbooks for my learning, so I'd almost managed to forget how bizarre and inane they can be. Luckily, there's a tumblr to remind me.

Thanks, Textbooks. Thextbooks.

Also thanks to matlane74 for bringing this to my attention. Thmat.

Dragon Baby

Dragon Baby kicks some draconic arse in this short by Patrick Bolvin. I do so love that finishing move.

SYSKILL Do Band Promotion Right

So that is what we should be doing to promote the band? It's all so clear now! Such a shame we don't have frozen pools here in Australia... I have to agree with several youtube comments that it would be so much better if he got another surprise around the 1 minute mark.

I know I'm kind of late to this party, but at time of this posting you still have just over a week to bid on the shorts he's wearing.

Kid Faced With Dinosaur Abandons Family To Their Fate

This is brilliant and adorable and I can think of a couple of kids I know that would probably have done exactly the same thing. Feel no shame Zac, move on and find a new family who haven't been consumed by our dinosaur overlords, it's what mummy and daddy would have wanted.

Tag filter: funny,wrong [x]