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Tag filter: funny,funny [x]

Kid Faced With Dinosaur Abandons Family To Their Fate

This is brilliant and adorable and I can think of a couple of kids I know that would probably have done exactly the same thing. Feel no shame Zac, move on and find a new family who haven't been consumed by our dinosaur overlords, it's what mummy and daddy would have wanted.

Grad School Scam

Of course, I would find this funny, given that I have no university degree of my own. People who live in small, mud-caked hovels in the shadow of the crystalline spires of our great institutes of learning might as well throw stones.

Posted under: jest, funny, scam

R Kelly & Sexual Repression: Together At Last

What happens when you take a video made by Jehovah's Witnesses telling the deaf not to masturbate, and marry it with R Kelly's "Ignition Remix"? Fucking beautiful magical things, that's what. There are moments where it is almost too perfect.

Many thanks to @matlane74 for the suggestion.

Tag filter: funny,funny [x]