Welcome to Wrongtown

Tag filter: funny,funny,funny,funny,funny [x]

Now This Is A Cooking Show I Can Get Behind

It's just a shame there's not more of it!

Paul Robertson's Take On The Simpsons

I didn't know how much I needed this until it was right there in front of me.


Unedited Footage of a Bear

It must be kind of scary, being so close to that bear. You'd try to control your breathing. Try to control everything. But you can't. You can't stop yourself.

HAM music video

This music video is an excerpt from Rubberhead, which I think we can safely agree should be required watching for all children.

HAM from Eric Wareheim on Vimeo.

Too Many Cooks

Hit full screen and give it time; see if you can spot all the appearances before things start getting properly weird.

Tag filter: funny,funny,funny,funny,funny [x]